The 'I AM' Statements of Christ
Guest Speaker: Sonny Garcia
Sonny Garcia gives the sunday sermon for the wek of 1/26/2025
Guest Speaker: David Pringle
Guest speaker David Pringle gives the sermon for Sunday 12/8/2024
Sunday School Special: The Importance of Deacons in the Church
Sunday school sermon on the importance of deacons in the local church.
Guest Speaker: Steve Bender
Guest speaker Steve Bender gives the sermon for the week of 10/20/2024 on the topic and encouragement of missions & ministry
Guest Speaker: Stevens Family
The Stevens family visits and gives the sermon for the week of 5/12/2024
Examine Yourself
Five part series in 1 John that will be looking at the five tests of true followers of Jesus Christ
Guest Speaker David Pringle
Guest speaker Davide Pringle gives the sermon for the week of 5/12/2024
Walking Through Grief (Spring Revival 2024)
Walking through grief with guest speaker Bill Prater
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Sermon series based from John 14 that will encourage us in our daily walk as we deal with anxiety and the other cares of life in a uncertain world
Finishing Well
Sermon series based from the book of Hebrews focusing on how we should finish our course in life as Christians and keep the faith
Guest Speaker Sam Martin
Guest speaker Sam Martin gives the sermon for the week of 11/26/2023 on the topic of giving and generosity
The Wonder of Corporate Worship
This seven week series illustrates corporate worship and how we as Christians should come to worship to glorify Jesus.
Guest Speaker Brent Jackson
Guest speaker Brent Jackson gives the sermon on the topic of depression and anxiety for the week of 10/22/2023
When Life Unravels
This series from the book of Habakkuk illustrates how we should walk through life when it seems to 'unravel', and how we should keep our focuses on Christ to make it through life's hardships.
Can't We All Just Get Along
This sermon from the book of James illustrates how we should be Christ-like to others and be Christ focused when dealing with each other
Guest Speaker Bro. Lynn Beck
Brother Lynn Beck shares a sermon for the week of 8/6/2023
Brother Lynn Beck shares a sermon for the week of 12/31/2023
Presumptuous Sin
In today's society we need to be vigiliant to not be 'casual' to sin, and to heed the warning that presumptuous sin can bring.
Cumbered About
As we walk through our daily lives we shouldn't be 'cumbered about' as we should be focusing our sights on Jesus. This sermon from Luke 10:38-42 illustrates how we should realign our focus in our daily walk with Christ.
The Jesus Way
The most distinguishing quality of believers is to be their love one to another. In this series based on I Corinthians be challenged to radically love as Jesus loved and loves you.
Contending for the Faith
We all must realize the necessity to "contend for the faith once delivered unto us". In a day of capitulation on the truth of the Word of God this series is incredibly relevant.
Easter Sunday 2o23
WIn Acts 2, the crowd responded to Peter's message with the question: "What shall we do?" It is the greatest question of all time as it is directly related to your eternity. What will you do with Jesus?
Spring Revival 2023 (Taylor Gillaspie)
Be prepared to be challenged through these powerful messages preached during our spring revival meeting!
Back to Basics
This mini-series by Pastor Brian is designed to equip you to launch into the new year effectively with basic ingredients that will give you a spiritually healthy 2023.
The Worthy Walk (Ephesians 4:1-3)
The church is to be comprised of a living and active gospel culture. For this to happen it involves relationships that 'walk worthy'; that function in a way this becoming of a follower of Jesus Christ. Discover three actions that will strengthen your relationships within and without the church so that they function in Christ honoring ways..
Bro. Lynn Beck
In this sermon from Philippians 3, be encouraged to move forward, not allowing your past to keep you from accomplishing what God desires for you in 2023.
Name Above All Names
Discover why Jesus' name is above every name! This Christmas sermon series is based on Isaiah 9:6.
Tom and Sandy Hastings (Germany)
Bro. Tom and his wife Sandy were with us for a very special Sunday as they reported on their ministry in Germany over the past several decades. It truly was a testimony of God's faithfulness at work in their lives.
Victory over Worry
Sermon from Philippians 4:6-8
We all struggle with worry. From worrying about health to finances to relationships and everything in between. Philippians 4 gives us the steps to follow to get set free from worry and to experience a life of peace.
Living Skillfully
Current Sermon Series in Proverbs
Do you have a desire to navigate life skillfully as God would have you? Do you desire wisdom? This series will give you practical, helpful and relevant truth that will apply to your everyday life situations. Learn what Proverbs has to say about friendships, anger, finances, and more!
Bro. Lynn Beck (special speaker)
Got storms in your life that you are struggling to navigate? This message from Matthew 14:22-33 will both comfort, and challenge you to rest your faith in the Author of the storms. Peace is available in Jesus!
Faith Enduring Through Adversity
Current Sermon Series in the Book of Daniel
For every believer, adversity will come. Navigating through those tough times with faithfulness requires the same principles that enabled Daniel and his friends to overcome. In the end it's all about pointing to our great God and His faithfulness!
Fully Yielded To God
Sermon from Missionary Vladimir Lukyanov
To yield ourselves fully to God because of the mercies received through Christ, is the best life possible. Discover the joy of a fully surrendered life from Romans 12:1.
Sermon Series (based upon Matthew 5-7)
In a world that is increasingly hostile toward Christianity, this series in the Sermon on the Mount will equip you to courageously follow after Christ and His kingdom.
Contend for the Faith
(based upon Jude 3)
Learn how to earnestly contend for the faith in this sermon by Pastor Brian and be challenged to faithfully persevere under prolonged pressure.
Do You Believe?
Current Sermon Series (based upon Luke 1:26-56)
Have your faith challenged through the example of Mary, and discover what real faith looks like!
The Power of His Resurrection
Easter Sunday, April 4th
The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ has power unlike any other. Discover this matchless power as described in Philippians 3:10.
Walk Worthy
Series based on the Book of Ephesians
Discover how to walk worthy of Christ; to walk in ways that declare He is deserving of all glory and honor based upon His great sacrifice in our behalf.
Gospel in the Genealogy
Christmas Mini-Series
Through a study of the genealogy in Matthew, discover how the gospel is clearly seen, and how it has the power to save and transform your life!